Oprah had Maya Angelou as a mentor. Picasso had his father. Georgia O’Keeffe had her partner, Alfred Stieglitz. Mentorship in our art practice is something we often overlook in our individualistic culture. And in the age of mask-wearing and zoom meetings, we are mostly expected to go it alone. Athletes always have a coach by their side, so why don't artists? When I first started to share my work, I couldn’t decipher the legitimate requests from the scams. Should I say yes to every opportunity that shows up in my inbox? Should I pursue galleries? Would it be best to sell my work on Instagram or should I open a Shopify site? After a couple years of trial and error, I eventually reached out to...
On July 6, 2018, at 9:45pm, I emerged from my daughter's bed and shuffled sluggishly to the sofa. It was late and I had yet to oxy-clean my son's white baseball pants for the morning or finish the dishes. I was lazily staring into space (as you do when you should be sleeping) when the urge struck to start the blog I've been wanting to write for months now. July 6 was also Frida Kahlo's birthday. So at 10:30pm, I opened my laptop and started to write. It made sense to begin with Frida. My Mom is a painter. She was always fascinated with Frida and her fascination became mine. On the wall of her makeshift studio, my mom had a...
I'm absolutely thrilled to be joining a profoundly talented group of artists in the IX issue of Create! Magazine. Juried by Danielle Krysa of The Jealous Curator, this jaw-dropping issue of inspiration overload can be pre-ordered for April/2018 release. If you haven't checked out Create! Magazine, go do it! It's an independent, contemporary art publication highlighting the work of artists, makers, and creative entrepreneurs. Founded by talented artist, Ekaterina Popova, as a means to connect to a broader creative community, she now provides opportunities to thousands of artists worldwide. Brilliant! Ekaterina is the real deal — smart, creative and driven to create a supportive and welcoming community through her print and online issues. Each edition is carefully curated by a guest curator through a call for art. Check...